Sunday, April 26, 2020

XII - 1.3 - The Cop and the Anthem ( ICE BREAKERS )

1.3 The Cop and the Anthem

                                                                         - O’Henry



 Suppose you have gone to a place where the winter season is very severe. Discuss with your partner the ways in which you would protect yourself in the cold climate.

   Ways to protect from cold climate

-         Wearing warm clothes

-         Using indoor fireplace

-         Using warm blanket

-         Using heating devices

When you see a cop approaching, you feel either ‘relieved’ or ‘scared’. Discuss with your partner the situations when you feel ‘relieved’ or ‘scared’.


(a)You are walking alone in a dark street.

(b)Somebody unnecessary comments you on the road.

(c ) Somebody trying to rob you.

( d ) People not following social distancing during pandemic .


(a)You are riding a bike without a valid driving licence.

(b)You are driving bike without helmet.

( c ) Not following traffic rules.

( d ) You are helping culprit.











 Discuss some of the motivating things that can change a person’s life. One is given:

-         (a)  Listening to an inspiring speech.

-         (b) Reading biographies of successful persons.

-         ( c ) Watching biopic movies.

-         (d ) Following suggestion of teachers/elders/parents/friends etc.

-         (e) Praising words said by someone.

                                                                          WALCHAND COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE, SOLAPUR