Friday, May 1, 2020


2.8    Small Towns and Rivers


About the poem, poet and title.

The poem ‘Small Towns and Rivers’ represents the world of Nature.  This poem describes the landscape and Nature where river is a dominant phenomenon. The poem is based on the belief of the tribal people from the North East, that the souls of the beloved ones always continue to dwell in the natural elements around. So, she remembers death when she sees the towns. Mamang Dai is a poet, novelist, journalist and former civil servant. She is also an active radio and TV journalist covering news programmes and interviews for All India Radio and Doordarshan. She was a programme officer with World Wide Fund for Nature. She is the first women from Arunachal Pradesh to be selected for IAS. The title- “Small Towns and Rivers” is very meaningful. The title focuses on the world of nature is not dead, but alive with spirits.

 Theme/ summary/gist of the poem.

The poem describes the landscape and Nature where river is a dominant phenomenon. The poet explains that how the human world is marked by sadness and stagnancy whereas the natural world is full of vigor and movement. The theme of the poem is – ‘Life and death is not permanent, but the rituals and nature are permanent’. In short, the world of nature is not dead but alive with spirits.

 Poetic style/ language, poetic devices used in the poem.

It is a fine specimen of modern poetry. It is a free verse type of poem related to Nature. The poem depicts the shrine of happy pictures and how the river has a soul. The poem consists of 7 stanzas. The language is easy and simple. The tone is optimistic. The poet has used Alliteration, Simile, Repetition, Antithesis, Hyperbole, Metaphor, personification, Inversion etc. figures of speech in this poem. No particular meter or rhyme scheme is used in this poem.    

 Special features/ novelties/ focusing elements.

In this poem, the poet describes the landscape and nature. The river is a dominant feature in this poem. The river has a life cycle. It flows strong as a river, falls as drops of rain, rises as mist, forms clouds and then comes down again to the dry earth. In the poem, Small Towns and Rivers, the poet has used a fine imagery to describe the beauty of nature. The images are like – wreath of tuberoses, mist on the mountaintops, cool bamboo, restored in sunlight, torrent of grief, trees, river, death, water, stars, etc.

 Message/ values/ morals in the poem.

The poem, Small Towns and Rivers, teaches a moral lesson. The message of the poem is – ‘Life and death is not permanent, but the rituals and nature are permanent’. In short, the world of nature is not dead but alive with spirits.  The poem is a lament about the destruction of nature for development. The poem gives us a valuable message of Progress, Nature’s beauty, Positivity, Reality and Truth.

 Your opinion about the poem.

I am really impressed by reading this poem. I understood that

how nature’s beauty is damaged for man’s greed called ‘Progress’. I also realized that, Life and death is not permanent, but the rituals and nature are permanent.’ I personally learnt that we should respect the culture, rituals and rights of others. Lastly, I understood the principle of life,

        God is the creator while man is the destructor’

    2.7    She Walks in Beauty 


 About the poem, poet and title.

The poem ‘She walks in Beauty’ is a short lyrical poem. In this poem the poet tells about how the physical appearance depends upon inner goodness. This poem celebrating female beauty. The poem is generally thought to be a love poem.                     George Gordon Byron is known a famous English Romantic poet and a satirist. The title – ‘She walks in Beauty’ is a simple and meaningful title. This title focuses on female beauty and explores the idea of physical appearance depends upon inner goodness.

Theme/ summary/gist of the poem.

In this poem, the poet has depicted the lady’s not only the external appearance but also her inner goodness which makes her so captivatingly attractive. So, the theme of the poem is – ‘Physical beauty, it also explores the relationship between inner beauty and outer beauty.’ In short, a woman’s outer appearance is read as a sign of her inner serenity, peacefulness and innocence.

 Poetic style/ language, poetic devices used in the poem.

This is a lyrical poem. The poem depicts the idea of physical appearance depends upon inner goodness. The poem consists of three stanzas of 6 lines each. The language is easy and simple. The tone is romantic. The poet has used Alliteration, Simile, Repetition, Antithesis, climax, personification etc. figures of speech in this poem. All stanzas carry the same rhyming scheme that is ababab.

 Special features/ novelties/ focusing elements.

The poet describes not only lady’s external appearance but also her inner goodness which makes her so captivatingly attractive.The poem is so regular in terms of meter stanza shape and rhyme together. In the poem, She Walks in Beauty, the poet has used a fine imagery to describe the beauty of inner as well as outer appearance of the lady. The images are like – cloudless climes, starry skies, tender light, gaudy day, raven tress, innocent heart etc.

Message/ values/ morals in the poem.

        The poem, She Walks in Beauty, teaches a moral lesson. The message of the poem is ‘Beauty is a kind of perfection achieved through harmony of inner and outer appearance of a person.’ Only outer appearance does not make happy and comfortable life. The poem gives us a valuable message of satisfaction, inner beauty and outer beauty of a person in this modern era.

 Your opinion about the poem.

I am really impressed by reading this poem. I understood that in this modern era most of the people think about outer appearance. But I realize that, if we are satisfied within, our outer appearance will be happy too. I personally learnt that we should be satisfied whatever we have with us in our life. Lastly, I understood the principle of life,

                    Inner beauty is the real beauty.’

2.6    Money


 About the poem, poet and title.

The poem ‘Money’ is close to sonnet. In this poem the poet tells about the rich man who wants to be a poor man to find the real happiness. We cannot enjoy life when we are rich. Our friends too are false. In short the role of money in happy life is depicted in this poem. 

 William H. Davies is a Welsh poet and writer. He was a peddler and street singer in England.

The title -‘Money’ is a simple and meaningful title. It depicts the importance of money in bringing happiness in life. 

Theme/ summary/gist of the poem.

In this poem, the poet has depicted the value of money in our life. When we are rich we always worry about its safety. We cannot enjoy life. We can enjoy only when we are poor and satisfied.  So the theme of the poem is –‘Money is not everything and ‘The effect of money on the behaviour of people.’

 Poetic style/ language, poetic devices used in the poem.

This poem is very close to sonnet. The poem depicts what is the role of money in our life. The poem consists of five stanzas of 4 lines each.   The language is easy and simple. The tone is of little depressionThe poet has used Alliteration, Simile, Onomatopoeia, Repetition, Inversion, Antithesis etc. figures of speech in this poem. First four stanzas are carrying the same rhyming scheme that is abcb  but last one means the fifth stanza’s rhyming scheme is abab.  

Special features/ novelties/ focusing elements.

The poet has used narrative technique to enhance the effect of the poem.  In the poem, Money, the poet has used a fine imagery to describe the true and false friends. The images are like –money, trumpet, bees, death, life of poor men and life of rich men.  

 Message/ values/ morals in the poem.

-         The poem, Money, teaches a moral lesson.  The message of the poem is ‘money does not bring true happiness’ as well as ‘the value of money in true friendship’. The lack of money does not mean the lack of happiness. The rich cry while the poor laugh. The poem gives us a valuable message of satisfaction, the worth of money and truth of   modern materialistic world.

 Your opinion about the poem.

I am really inspired by reading this poem. I understood that in this materialistic, man-made world most of the people think about money but money is not everything in life and doesn’t bring the true happiness.  I personally learnt that, we should be satisfied whatever we have with us in our life.  Lastly I understood the principle of life,

              - ‘Money can’t buy happiness ’

2.5   Father Returning Home


 About the poem, poet and title.

Father Returning Home’ is an autobiographical poem. In this poem poet draws a portrait of a suburban commuter. It depicts his dull, monotonous, exhausting and equally pitiable daily routine.        

Dilip Chitre  is a famous Indian, bilingual poet, translator, film maker, painter, magazine columnist & critic. He received the  Sahitya Akademi Award’, both for poetry as well as for his well-known translation work.                                                   The title -‘Father Returning Home’ is a simple and meaningful title. It depicts the pathetic condition, alienation or painful loneliness of the father’s isolation in the materialistic man-made world.

 Theme/ summary/gist of the poem.

In this poem, the poet has depicted a picture of his own father returning home from work. The father is hard worker & earner; still he suffers loneliness and monotonous life in this man-made world. The poem deals with a variety of themes like – alienation, isolation, pathetic condition of suburban commuter, rootlessness & generation gap in a   man-made world.

 Poetic style/ language, poetic devices used in the poem.

 It is an autobiographical poem. It is a free verse type poem. It is dramatic monologue.  It depicts father’s dull, monotonous, exhausting and equally pitiable daily routine. The poem consists of two stanzas of 12 lines each. The language is easy and simple but full of symbolic expressions. The tone is of little depression. The poet has used Alliteration, Simile, Onomatopoeia, Transferred Epithet, Inversion, Climax etc. figures of speech in this poem. No particular meter or rhyme scheme is used in this poem.

 Special features/ novelties/ focusing elements.

The poet has used narrative technique to enhance the effect of the poem. In the poem Father Returning Home, the poet has used a fine imagery to describe the loneliness of the father. The images like –late evening, yellow light, unseeing eyes, black raincoat, dimmed eyes, humid monsoon night, grey platform, weak tea, stale chapati & a word dropped from a long sentence are noteworthy.

 Message/ values/ morals in the poem.

-         The poem, Father Returning Home, teaches a moral lesson.  The message of the poem is ‘In the materialistic man-made modern world the behaviour of people is changed’. Man has forgotten love and attachment. But we should not ignore our loved once like family or society members. The poem gives us a valuable message of love, reality & truth of modern materialistic world.

 Your opinion about the poem.

I am really inspired by reading this poem. I understood that in this materialistic, man-made world nobody is caring any one.       I personally learnt that, we have to maintain the relationship and also respect the value of elderly people in our family.   Lastly          I understood  the principle of life, -                                                   ‘Give respect and take respect ’

2.4   Have you Earned your Tomorrow


 About the poem, poet and title.

Have you Earned your Tomorrow’ is an Inspirational poem.   In this poem, the speaker is asking the readers whether they have done anything to improve the life of another human being or not. It is up to you whether you will have a better future or not.  Edgar Guest was an American writer of newspaper and magazines. He began his writing career in 1895 at the age of fourteen. Edgar Guest, was known as the ‘people’s poet’ for his simple uplifting style of writing poetry.                                      The title- ‘Have you Earned your Tomorrow’ by Edgar Guest presents a number of probing questions to the readers about how they spend their days. It is a simple and common question asked by poet.

 Theme/ summary/gist of the poem.

Have you Earned your Tomorrow’ by Edgar Guest presents a number of probing questions to the readers about how they spend their days. The theme of the poem is – ‘One should consider one’s actions and deeds carefully and plan accordingly for a better future’. In short, We have to do something for betterment of others. 

Poetic style/ language, poetic devices used in the poem.

It is an Inspirational poem. The poet has used simple style and optimistic tone of writing. The poem has four stanzas. The four stanzas are separated into sets of four lines or quatrains. Each stanza contains at least two or three questions. The poet has used very simple language.  Repeatedly, Alliteration and Interrogation figures of speech are used in this poem. Here, the first line of each stanza rhymes with the second line and the third line with the fourth line. The rhyme scheme is aabb.       All stanzas carry the same form.

 Special features/ novelties/ focusing elements.

In this poem the poet has used the most important abstract image of God. As a reader, we notice that the poem is marked by questions directed at the readers. Each stanza contains at least two, sometimes three questions. The first stanza begins with questions. The second stanza continues to ask if the reader greeted their friends. The third stanza is concerned with helping others and giving hope. At end of the fourth stanza the poet advises that one should consider his/her actions carefully if he/she wants to see the next day.  

 Message/ values/ morals in the poem.

-         The poem, Have you Earned your Tomorrow, teaches a moral lesson.  The message of the poem is ‘one should consider one’s actions and deeds carefully and plan accordingly for a better future’. In short the poet emphasizes that our work should be honest for others so that they will utter some kind words for us. The poem gives us a valuable message of hope, optimism, positivity, good work & honesty.

  Your opinion about the poem.

I am really inspired by reading this poem. I understood that if you work hard today for others definitely God will give you better tomorrow.  I personally learnt that I have to work hard today for my better tomorrow.  Lastly I understood the principle of life, -                                               -                 ‘Service to man is Service to God ’



   About the poem, poet and title.

The Inchcape Rock’ is a ballad. It’s the story of the Abbot of Aberbrothok to install a warning bell on Inchcape, about 11 miles (18km) off the east coast of Angus, Scotland. The poem gives us a message that ‘those who do wrong things will meet with due punishment’. Robert Southey was an English poet of the Romantic school. He was famous historian, biographer, essayist and poet. His poems are very popular with the school children.     The entire story moves around the legendary rock. Thus the title -   The Inchcape Rock is very apt.

   Theme/ summary/gist of the poem.

 The central idea of the poem is that those who do bad things will ultimately be punished or one pays for ones misdeed. Even we know that Evil digs a pit for others but falls into the same. In our life what goes around comes around. So always remember, as you sow so shall you reap. These are the themes of the poem. 

Poetic style/ language, poetic devices used in the poem.

It is a narrative type of poem, narrating a story of two characters. It is a lyrical ballad. A ballad is traditionally sung by a band of wandering musician.  The poem has seventeen stanzas. It is a satiric, serious & adventurous poem. The poet has used very simple language. A number of poetic devices are used to convey a moral lesson,- ‘as you sow so shall you reap’. Alliteration, Inversion, Metaphor, Simile, Onomatopoeia, Repetition, Apostrophe, Personification etc. are the figures of speech used in this poem. Here, first line of each stanza rhymes with the second line and the third line with the fourth line.   The rhyme scheme is aabb. All stanzas carry the same form.

  Special features/ novelties/ focusing elements.

The poet has used descriptive and narrative techniques to enhance the effect of the poem. The poem, The Inchcape Rock, provides a fine verbal image of the calm atmosphere of the sea, the Sun, the waves, birds, rock, bell etc. In this way the ballad glides from one incident to another very smoothly, providing vivid pictures of our minds. It creates the special effects on the readers mind.

     Message/ values/ morals in the poem.

      The poem, The Inchcape Rock, teaches a moral lesson. It is called a didactic poem. The poem proves the principle that crime gets its own punishment. So message is that we have to control our actions, deeds, anger, emotions & behaviour with others. Otherwise one day we will get same reactions from others. The poem gives us a valuable message of wisdom & reality.

  Your opinion about the poem.

I am really inspired by reading this poem. I understood the cycle of action & its reaction very well.  I personally learnt not to harm anyone or play with their emotions.   Lastly I understood the principle of life, -

‘Live and let live ’



   About the poem, poet and title.

Indian Weavers’ is a short poem where the poet talks about three types of garment that the weavers weave at three particular times of a day. Each stanza of the poem represents the three important events of human life: birth (childhood), adulthood (young), and death (old).  Sarojini Naidu was a political activist, freedom fighter, poet of modern India, feminist and first Indian woman who became the President of the Indian National Congress.   She also is called ‘Nightingale of India’. The title –‘Indian Weaver’ focuses on the life/work of Indian Weavers compared to the stages of the human life.

  Theme/ summary/gist of the poem.

The theme or central idea of the poem is – the poet talks about three types of dresses that the Indian weavers weave at the three particular times of the day. Metaphorically each time and dress weaved in a particular stage of life. Each stage represents childhood, youth and old age, respectively. Or more appropriately, birth, living life, and death appear to have been signified as the three stages of the cycle of life

  Poetic style/ language, poetic devices used in the poem.

The poet asks three questions to the weavers and they answer accordingly, to put it simply. However, in the questions and answers lies the temperament of the poem. We find that the poem has been structured in a question-answer pattern. The poet has used very simple language in short three stanzas. The poet has used number of poetic devices to express her ideas like Alliteration, Simile, Metaphor, Imagery etc. Rhyme scheme of the stanza is - aabb, aabb, aabb.

  Special features/ novelties/ focusing elements.

In this poem imagery has been used to describe the three stages of human life, from birth to death, just as the weavers weave from dawn to night. The poet uses three main stages by using symbols like clothes and the times of the day. Poet uses colours like blue, purple and green, white. Garment, halcyon feather, robes, plumes of peacock, marriage veils of a queen, moonlight, cloud, funeral shroud these are the some of the examples of imaginary used in this poem.


     Message/ values/ morals in the poem.

-         The message of positivity, optimism is spread through poem. Life is full of challenges. We must face the difficulties and overcome them. We know the reality of life and its three different stages. (childhood, adult, old) The message of hope.

   Your opinion about the poem.

I am really inspired by reading this poem. I understood the cycle of life and every living object on this earth has to go through this cycle of birth, living life and death.  Lastly I understand that   - 

‘Life is full of twists and turns’


XII                                       2.1   SONG OF THE OPEN ROAD

 With the help of the following points, write a poetic appreciation of the poem ‘Song of the Open Road.’

·       About the poem / poet  and the title

        The theme·

         Poetic style The language/ poetic devices used in the poem

·       Special features                                                                                      

         Message, values, morals in the poem

·       Your opinion about the poem

 About the poem, poet and title.

Song of the Open Road’ is an inspirational poem with a message of freedom and an opportunity.This poem is an ode. This poem appeared in one of the most influential poetry texts of all time, Leaves of Grass, The poem ends on an optimistic note. Walt Whitman is an American poet. He was known as a poet, essayist, a journalist and teacher by trade. By the,                Title –“Song of the Open Road, the poet celebrates the open road—its freedom, its challenges,  views about it, and its voyagers. This poem is a celebration, much like any song. Thus title is an apt.


Freedom, joy and optimism are the major themes of this poem. Throughout the poem, the poet encourages the readers to be true to themselves and live a free life. Although his life is not free from obligations and troubles, he encourages everyone to live their dreams, leaving the obstacles behind. He understands that the key to happiness is to be true to his ideals, his soul, and his intelligence. Therefore, the poem establishes the idea that the earth offers us multiple chances to fulfill our dreams with the right amount of motivation and determination.

 Poetic style/ language, poetic devices used in the poem.

Whitman opined that a poet’s style should be simple and natural, without orthodox metre or rhyme, like an animal or tree in harmony with its environment. The poem utilizes free verse; the lines are unrhymed and of varying lengthsSong of the Open Road is told from a first person point of view and the speaker, perhaps Whitman, knows himself very well. The language is very simple and strait forward. The poet has used different figures of speech like- Alliteration, Metaphor, Repetition, Paradox etc.

  Special features

- As Free Verse gives greater freedom for choosing words and conveying their meanings to readers, it is     free from artificiality of a typical poetic expression. This technique is commonly used in modern poetry.It is a literary device that is free from limitations of regular metre or rhythm, does not rhyme with fixed forms, and still it provides an artistic expression.

 Message/ values/ morals in the poem.

-The message of positivity, optimism is spread through poem. Life is full of challenges. We must face the difficulties and overcome them. You should never lose your confidence in any situation. The message of hope - There are so many opportunities in our life we have to take those opportunities and build our life. There are so many ways/ roads in front of you.  Select one of them and go forward.

  Your opinion about the poem.

I am really inspired by reading this poem. I have learnt from this poem that- ‘Freedom, joy and optimism are the major parts of our life’. You should not give up under any circumstances.  Effort is essential to success, not to give up.    Lastly I understand that-

‘God helps them, who help themselves’



Vaishali Jane said...

Very nice,Sir.

Unknown said...

It's really very helpful 😊😊

Unknown said...