Wednesday, June 17, 2020

XII - 2.7 - She Walks in Beauty ( ICE BREAKERS & BRAINSTORMING)

2.7 She Walks in Beauty

                                         - George Gordon Byron




Ø Make a list of proverbs and quotations related to ‘Beauty’.

(a)         Beauty is nectar which intoxicate the soul.

(b)         Beauty is not in the face; beauty is the light in the heart.

(c)   Love of beauty is a tasty. The creation of beauty is an art.

(d)      Beauty is the promise of happiness.

(e)       Beauty lies in  the eyes of the beholder.

(f)     Real beauty is to be true to oneself.

(g)        Beauty is the shadow of God on the universe.


    Discuss your impressions about someone’s personality, and say what you like the most and why.

I would like the following impressions of my friend’s personality

(a)         Trustworthiness

(b)        Attractive personality

(c)   Intelligence

(d)         warmth

(e)         Sociable

(f)       Healthy 

All these are the impressions of my friend’s personality but I like his trustworthiness.  Today the world is full of cheaters and deceivers. Most of the time people are busy in some kind of conspiracy. Getting trustworthy people is very hard but my friend is so trustworthy that in any situation he will never think of cheating or deceiving and he has proved it so many times.

Features –

-         The major theme of the poem is beauty and harmony of mind and body.

-         There are three stanzas of six line each.

-         It is a musical lyric.

-         It is a love poem.

-         It is a romantic poem.



(A1) (1) ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’- you have probably heard this saying.  Discuss in your class how for the statement is true.

- It is a very popular saying. According to this saying people judge others through their outward appearance but outward appearance might be deceptive. Having opinion about someone by his/her dressing, way of talking, facial expressions and outward behavior is wrong. If we look at any object or person that looks beautiful to us because we look at them through the angel of beauty. To such eyes any common object may be the object of beauty.  


         (II) Discuss with your partner about the most inspirational person you have come across.  Also explain the reasons behind your opinion.

-         My Mother is the most inspirational person in my life. Because she is the working woman. She works in office as well at home. But She never gets tired. She is a happy-go-lucky woman. She supports my family members not only economically but also mentally. In my bad patch, she gave me confidence as well as moral support. She is the backbone of our family.

(A2) (I) After reading the poem match column A with column B

        Column A

Column B

    (1) the lady’s beauty

Wavy and black

    (2) her hair

a perfect blend of light and darkness

    (3) her eyes

at peace with all below a heart

    (4) her smile

a cloudless starry night

    (5) her mind

expresses thoughts serenely and sweetly

    (6) her face

Soft, calm and eloquent


-         (1) the lady’s beautya cloudless starry night

(2) her hairwavy and black

(3) her eyes- a perfect blend of light and darkness

(4) her smile- soft, calm and eloquent

(5) her mind- at peace with all below a heart

(6) her face- expresses thoughts serenely and sweetly

  (ii) The lady in the poem has a winning smile and a glowing skin.

      According to the poet she is blessed with these things because

-          The lady in the poem has a peaceful mind and an innocent heart. Her cheeks are lovely, brows are calm, skin is delicate and has glowing colour. She is gifted with all this beauty because of her sinless life. This outward appearance is as real as her inner appearance. She is satisfied with her life. That’s why the lady in the poem has a winning smile and a glowing skin. 

(iii) In this poem the poet brings a perfect balance of outer beauty and inner beauty. Write a few lines on how the poet brings this balance in his description.

-         Balance of outer and inner beauty is one of the central ideas of the poem-  ‘She Walks in Beauty’. The balance/harmony is shown between cloudless, clear, starry skies and her overall beauty. The perfect balance of the dark and light that meet in her eyes and her features is comparted to the soft and dim light. The outer beauty if her calm brows, sweet smile and the glowing colour of her skin is due to her peaceful mind, a loving heart and sinless life. Thus, inner beauty is compared with outer beauty.  


(iv) ‘Beauty is skin deep’- do you agree with the statement? Or do you feel that beauty comes from within? Explain your views in a few sentences.

-         Yes, I agree with the statement that beauty comes from within. Normally we see beauty in the form of people’s clothes, skin, hair and so many things which is only an outward beauty. But that beauty is not a real beauty outward appearance may be false and deceptive. The real beauty lies in the heart of the people. I feel that beauty comes from within our heart which is innocent, free of hatred and prejudice. Beauty lies in our helping nature, positive attitude, self-confidence and cheerful way of living life. Our inner thoughts are expressed by our face and eyes. The bitter words we speak indicate our unkind nature.      

(A3) (i) find out the words which are used to describe the lady in the poem.

-         The words used to describe the lady are

1)    Dear heart

2)    Calm brow

3)    Glowing skin

4)    Serene and sweet expression

5)    Pure thoughts

6)    Innocent heart

7)    Peaceful mind


(ii) A contraction is a shortened version of the written and spoken forms of the word, syllable or word groups created by omission of internal letters and sounds. Find out the instances of contractions from the poem.

-         The contractions in the poem are-

-         ‘that’s – that is

-         ‘o’er’- over

(A4) (i) The poet creates an imagery of light and darkness to bring out the beauty of the lady. Find out the lines with such imageries and complete the table.

Lines with imagery

Reason for using

(   (1)And all that’s best of dark and bright

To express the beauty of the eyes

    (2) Thus, mellowed to that tender light-heaven to gaudy day denies

To express the dim soft light of evening not the harsh brightness of the day.

    (3)One shade the more, one ray the less

To express the balance between the dark night and dazzling day.


(ii) Find out from the poem examples of:


-          Simile   -

1)    She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;


-         In these lines ‘her beauty’ is directly compared with a ‘cloudless starry skies’.

-         So, this figure of speech based on ‘Resemblance.’


-         Metaphor

1)    Which waves in every raven tress,


-         In this line black hair are indirectly compared with raven tress.

-         So, this figure of speech based on ‘Resemblance.’


-         Alliteration

1)    Which heaven to gaudy day denies.


-         In this line‘d’ sound is repeated.

-         So, this figure of speech based on ‘sound.’

-         Personification

1)    The smiles that win, the tints that glow,  Personification                                                                                                                                                                 

-         In this line the word ‘win’ is the human quality shown in lady’s smile.

-          So, this figure of speech based on ‘Imagination. 


-         Antithesis –

1)    One shade the more, one ray the less,


-         In this line two opposite words (more x less) are used.

-         So, this figure of speech based on ‘difference or contrast.


(A5) (ii) Compose a poem of at least 4-6 lines on ‘Beauty of Nature’.

      Nature is the house of beauty
   To save nature it’s our duty,
   We must be a good creature,
    And be faithful to nature.

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